Donna Greenberg`s wonderful polymer clay accessories

Although I am into paper art accessories, polymer clay seems also fascinating and I have a very deep respect for polymer artists that exceed any expectation and create the impossible with their skills.

Today we meet Donna Greenberg a polymer clay artist that is taking us for a ride in her own amazing universe.

228350_208268665873813_5986238_nDonna, please let us know you better. Tell us something about you, both personal and professional 🙂

I am a classically trained fine artist who has been fortunate to make my living in art for 40 years. My first love was and always has been ceramics.  I worked for many years in that field creating production ware and one of a kind sculptural vessels and platters. It was during that very exciting time of growth in the ceramics world that I began to develop an aesthetic and a way of looking at the natural world that has been a guide for everything I have done since.

I also have a background in painting and created a decorative painting company of artists that I ran with my partner for 25 years. During this time, I painted many large scale murals for corporations, homes and libraries, and restaurants and developed many faux finish techniques.  The skills I learned during this time have been invaluable to me in my approach to polymer clay.

How did you discover polymer clay?

I came to polymer about 4 years ago as a way to keep my mind and hands busy as I was recovering from leg surgery. 25 years on ladders and scaffolding had taken a toll on my body and I needed to find something a little gentler to create with.  I had no idea at the time how polymer would capture my imagination or that I would still be working with it and exploring it today.

What do you enjoy creating more: accessories or jewelry?

Like many others, I started with jewelry.  Always trying to blend my love of organic structure with a modern aesthetic.  I created a great deal of jewelry and for a time, was the exclusive designer of jewelry for a small private company in NYC.  My work has been featured in fashion magazines and at the  Mercedes Benz fashion week in NYC, and is collected by many in the music industry. I still make jewelry, but have been lured back to my ceramic roots by working with vessels again, only this time in polymer. I am not trying to imitate ceramics with my work, but I do draw on my past experience with clay construction to help me. Recently I have been working with what I call multi-use vessels.  They are designed to look like one complete piece, but can be taken apart to use in a variety of ways.  I really enjoy this kind of thinking, It is like a puzzle and there is always a problem to be solved.

What is your inspiration source?

My inspirations come from many sources. I love most mid-century art and design and of course nature.  Currently I am looking at a lot of mushrooms and lichen and various fungi. Trying to blend these influences into a cohesive look is always the challenge.

Describe us in a few words your technique.

In my work, I usually think about organic process and growth. I  like to work very directly when I approach the clay and almost always use  very simple sculpting and texturing techniques to achieve my goals. The variety one can achieve mixing and remixing these  basic processes is infinite and I am always discovering new ways to combine them.With my background in painting, It is more naturals for me  to use paints, both oil and acrylic to enhance and inform my work

Do you have a favorite item in your portfolio?

My favorite work is almost always what I am working on at the time, although my recent Big Bird vessel stands out to me as one of my best attempts so far in combining my interests.

Where can we find your art?

I am currently working on a new website so for now, you can find my work at Donna Greenberg Arts on Facebook, or on Flickr at

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